Ivan David Ng

  • Taking a bird's eye view of time, fragments and fleeing by Ivan David Ng

    Taking a bird's eye view of time, fragments and fleeing, 2024

    Acrylic, archival digital print, linen, canvas, kozo paper, embroidery thread, found images and PVA on canvas

    54 x 38 in 137.2 x 96.5 cm

  • Don’t accuse the moon for our longings by Ivan David Ng

    Don’t accuse the moon for our longings, 2024

    Acrylic, archival digital print, kozo paper, solar fast dye, cyanotype and PVA on canvas

    85 x 64 in 215.9 x 162.6 cm

  • I’m living in a land of false suns by Ivan David Ng

    I’m living in a land of false suns, 2024

    Acrylic, archival digital print, kozo paper, cyanotype, charcoal and PVA on canvas

    85 x 64 in 215.9 x 162.6 cm

Seen at

  • Focal Point 3

    Focal Point 3
    2024 June 28 to July 28

    group show
